
Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a solid surface (called the "matrix" or "support"). The medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush, but other implements, such as knives, sponges, and airbrushes, can be used.
For us at Mary Akins, painting describes both the act and the result of the action - as an important form in visual arts, painting brings in elements such as drawing, composition, gesture, narration, and abstraction. Paintings can be naturalistic and representational, photographic, abstract, narrative, symbolistic, emotive (as in expression) or political in nature.
Mary Akins’ decision to use a particular medium, such as oil, acrylic, watercolour or other water-based paints, ink, gouache, or casein, as well as the choice of a particular form, such as mural, panel, or any of a variety of modern forms, is based on the sensuous qualities and the expressive possibilities and limitations of those options.
The choices of the medium and the form, as well as Mary Akins’ own technique, combine to realize a unique visual image that is beautiful to behold.