Our Services

Painting is at the heart or soul of Mary Akins’ way to express herself. 

As a communication tool, drawing/painting is the creative way for Mary Akins to express her feelings and thoughts as an artist or designer. 

Mary Akins Service

As an Artist, our services are divided into the following 6 sections.


Painting describes both the act and the result of the action - as an important form in visual arts, painting brings in elements such as drawing, composition, gesture, narration, and abstraction.

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Pencil (Creative) Drawings

Pencil Drawing is a form of visual art in which Mary Akin executed drawing with an instrument intended either as a sketch for a more elaborate work in another medium, or a finished work.

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Custom Artwork

With custom Artwork, Mary Akins brings your idea or image to life. You can ask her to create a custom artwork from a specific photo, collection of photos, or idea that you want recreated.

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Illustration Artwork

These are drawings that are created to represent the lay-out of a particular object or document. It includes all the basic details of the project concerned clearly stating its purpose, style, size, etc.

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Illustration Maps

Illustration Map is not only about locations and streets; they should depict the entire atmosphere of a place, city, etc. This is why we do serious research on the area you want her to represent.

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A mural is any piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling, or other permanent surfaces. The architectural elements of the given space are  incorporated into the picture.

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